10 question of what's circuit series and parallel on youtube video
1. why the lights don't immediately turn off but first dim when the electricity is cut
2.why a resistor from the power supply is needed before the charge?
3. what is the importance of paying attention to the flow of electric current in series / parallel circuits?. 4. why should we describe the circuit schematic with a detailed drawing?
5. What is the function of connector terminal?
3. what is the importance of paying attention to the flow of electric current in series / parallel circuits?. 4. why should we describe the circuit schematic with a detailed drawing?
5. What is the function of connector terminal?
6. What is the function of terminal strip?
7. What is the function of turret terminal?
8. How to determine parallel connection?
9.How to connect between the terminals and components?
10. How to analyze a circuit?
nama : muhammad zakki mutammam
nim : 1915061025
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