The difference between AC and DC Power

    when discussing electric current in my opinion, there are still many who do not understand what AC or DC electric current is and also the difference between the two. To understand the difference between AC and DC power, we must first understand what electricity and electric current are.

    Electricity is a charge consisting of a positive charge and a negative charge, where an object will be said to have electrical energy if an object has a different amount of charge. Electricity is a series of physical phenomena related to the presence and flow of electric charge. Electricity causes a variety of well-known effects, such as lightning, static electricity, electromagnetic induction and electric currents. The presence of electricity can also generate and receive electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves. Electric current is the amount of electric charge caused by the movement of electrons, flowing through a point in the electric circuit per unit time.

    Based on the direction of flow, electric current can be divided into two types, namely direct current and alternating current. Direct current is often referred to as DC which stands for Direct Current. Meanwhile, alternating current is often referred to as AC, which stands for Alternating Current.    

Definition of Alternating Current

The current which changes its directions periodically, such type of current is called alternating current. Their magnitude and polarity also change along with the time. In such types of current, the free electrons (electric charge) moved in the forward as well as in the backwards direction.

The frequency (number of cycles completed in one second) of the alternating current is 50 to 60 Hz depends on the country. The alternating current is easily converted from the high value to low value and vice versa with the help of the transformer. Thus, it is mainly used for transmission and distribution.

Definition of Direct Current

When the electric charge inside the conductor flows in one direction, then such type of current is called direct current. The magnitude of the direct current always remains constant and the frequency of the current is zero. It is used in cell phones, electric vehicles, welding, electronic equipment, etc.


Key differences between Alternating Current and Direct Current

  1. The current which changes its direction at a regular interval of time such type of current is called alternating current. Direct current is unidirectional or flows only in one direction.
  2. The charges in the alternating current flow either by rotating a coil in the magnetic field or by rotating a magnetic field within a stationary coil. In direct current, the charges flow by keeping the constant magnetism along the wire.
  3. The frequency of the alternating current is 50 to 60 hertz depends on the country standard, whereas the frequency of the direct current always remains zero.
  4. The power factor of the alternating current lies between zero to one, whereas the power factor of the direct current always remains one.
  5. The alternator current is generated by the alternator. The direct current is generated by the generator, battery and cells.
  6. The load of the alternating current is capacitive, inductive or resistive. The load of the direct current is always resistive in nature.
  7. The alternating current can be graphically represented through different irregular wave shape such as triangular wave, square wave, periodic wave, the saw-tooth wave, sine wave, etc. The direct current is graphically represented by the straight line.
  8. The alternating current transmits over a long distance with some losses, whereas the direct current transmits over very long distances with negligible losses.
  9. The alternating current is converted into direct current with the help of rectifier whereas the direct current is converted into alternating current with the help of the inverter.
  10. Few substations require for the generation and transmission of the alternating current. Extra substations require for the transmission of direct current.
  11. The alternating current is used in industries, factories, and for the household purposes. The direct current is mainly used in electronic equipment, flash lighting, hybrid vehicles, electroplating, electrolysis, for exciting the field winding of the rotor, etc.
    we should have understood the meaning and difference of AC and DC power after understanding the discussion above. these two types of flows have differences because their use and application are placed in different places. for example a house receives electricity in the form of wave-like AC current, which is capable of changing direction and voltage from higher to lower current with the aid of transformers. In your home it is eaten by corded appliances small and large, from your HVAC to your TV and refrigerator. The consistent and constant voltage of DC power supplies electronics that use a battery, such as your mobile device or smartphone. Like the battery powering your kid’s remote control car, the smooth, steady electrical current of DC power always flows in the same direction, between positive and negative terminals.

(Point to Remember) In alternating current, the magnitude of the current becomes high and low at regular interval of time and in direct current, the magnitude remains the same. When the human body is getting shocked, the alternating current enter and exit from the body at regular time interval whereas the direct current, afflict the body continuously.

Suppose we were electrocuted 200 volts on AC current. AC current is an alternating current so that one day it will reach a voltage of 0 volts during the cycle. At that time, the body that was stung will release itself from the conductor.

Meanwhile, DC current is direct current, meaning that the voltage that passes is stable at a value of 200 volts and never reaches 0 volts. Thus, the body that was electrocuted has no chance to escape.

However, most people get electrocuted by AC currents because people in Indonesia mostly use this current in their daily. 

This why DC currents more dangerous than AC currents. 

Nama : muhammad zakki mutammam

Nim : 1915061025


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